5 Mistakes To Avoid In Audio Conferencing Leave a comment

Audio conferencing is a significant part of most businesses. You can conduct internal meetings, technical support calls, client conversations, and much more. However, not everyone participating in a conference call is utilizing their devices properly to enhance communication quality.

As a result, their calls are not as effective. In case of high-priority audio conferencing, certain mistakes can lead to miscommunication, and thus an error in operation.

To help you avoid the consequences of business blunders of audio conferencing, we have specified five issues you need to address.

1. The Whole Team Is Not Prepared For A Call

While it is true that audio conferencing is not as complex as video conferencing, you still need to avoid distractions by making sure that all participants are well prepared. In case of conducting a client call or an in-house meeting on your conference phone, let your team know in advance the tone they will be using, and how to reply to any unexpected questions from the call recipient.

2. The Speaker Does Not Identify Themselves

Remember, you are not on a video call. The person on the other end of your call can confuse two people who have the similar pitch and style of speaking. Make sure to specify that it is you who are speaking when participating in a conference call.

3. The Call Takes Place In An Undesirable Environment

Noisy background, people walking in and out as they please, echoes or vibrations—none of these should be present in the place you are conducting an audio conference call.

Eliminate all distractions, and then focus on the room the call takes place. Ideally, you want a well-lit room where you can see people well and see any files and computers you are using during your call.

4. Moving Around During The Call

Minimal movement, to grab a file, or go around to talk to another person is fine. However, avoid unnecessary movement, especially if you are the one talking, as it can create a distraction for others, as well as lead to wavering sound. Also, invest in a high-quality conference phone that balances any audio spikes in your conversation. More on that matter…

5. You Rely On A Regular Office Phone

The speaker feature of an office phone is not ideal as it includes and enhances the amount of background noise. Invest in a proper conference phone; these are specifically designed for businesses, delivering crisp and clear audio in every call.

Let us help you set up a flawless setting for your business audio conference calls. At HeadsetLink, we stock and supply high-quality wireless conference phone and various headset and phone accessories.

Check out our online store and choose a conference phone that best fits your preferences.


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